CMP Chapter C#24952


Gun Club Breakfast Group
Affiliation with Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) and Riverside Gun Club/Range (RGCR)
The Gun club Breakfast Group (GCBG) was established to encourage the 2nd amendment through a social gathering of like-minded individuals. The club meets twice monthly at local restaurants for a great breakfast and supper discussion of the aspects of firearms. Our main goal is SAFETY while enjoying America’s number one hobby.


What Exactly Is "Stop The Bleed"?

Bleeding that is not controlled is a major cause of preventative deaths. If you can control the bleed, you can help prevent 40% of the trauma-related deaths due to uncontrolled bleeding in trauma related emergencies.

It is a national campaign to encourage everyone to learn and cain some knowledge to help in a bleeding emergency before professional help is available. These organizations offer many options of knowledge, training, and equipment to help empower individuals gain basic understanding in deal with this type of emergenccy situation.

There are many different organiztions involved with this program.

Stop the Bleed Document