Rimfire League (Monday)

Lever Action Rifle Group Monthly

Rimfire League (Monday)
Sponsored by CMP 24952

The Monday night rimfire league will shoot weekly on Monday evenings from 6 – 7:15 PM*. All members of the league will shoot this weekly match with both a pistol/revolver and rifle in a rimfire caliber.  As always this will be a family-friendly atmosphere, shooters will be encouraged to help each other out. CMP Chapter membership is not required but appreciated.

CMP 24592 RIMFIRE LEAGUE RULES: League Season February and March (8 weeks)


1.       Rules
a.        All pistol shooters may use a two-hand hold.
b.      Rule Book will be available online, copy at the range office.

2.       Host

  1. The Hosting Range is Riverside Range
  2. Firing will be conducted at the Riverside indoor range.
  3. Riverside range rules must be followed as set by the Riverside Range Rules.
  4. Guests must have an online 6-month waiver and sponsored by a Riverside Range member.

3.       Shooting Season

    1. Length: An 8-week league. All weekly scores to count
    2. Dates
    3. February/March 2025
    4. Prize award and Challenge Match Night March 25th.

4.       League Association

    1. Individual competition only, no team or League affiliation required.
    2. Online app will complete parts c and d.
    3. Information Required:
        1. Shooter Name.
        2. Class (.22 Rimfire, Pistol or Rifle or both).
        3. Shooter Address and Phone.
        4. Shooter e-mail.
    4. Shooter information due with fee.
    5. CMP 24952 reserves the right to limit the number of shooters.
    6. Competitors must complete a minimum of 5 match shoot’s to be eligible for any awards/drawings.

5.       Fees

  1. First shooter from family is $30.00 for 1st class entry, additional class entry $10 (ie $30pistol or rifle, $40 both).
  2. Additional family members enrolling, $10 per class entry.
  3. Fees due by January 30th with required shooter information.

6.       Course of Fire

    1. All pistol firing will be at 7 yards for limited and 10 yards for open, Competition may be shot 2 handed.  Senior (65+) Competition may be shot from seated position with no part of the body may touch the table.
    1. .22 caliber Rimfire pistols for Pistol Class (Revolver or Semi-Auto capable of firing 5 shots in Ten Seconds – Any NRA Allowed Sight)
    2. Weekly Match –
        1. 10 Shots Slow Fire (one ten shot string, 7 minutes for the string).
        2. 10 Shots Timed Fire (fired in two 5 shot strings, 20 seconds for each string).
        3. 10 Shots Slow Fire (one ten shot string, 7 minutes for the string).
        4. 10 Shots Timed Fire (fired in two 5 shot strings, 10 seconds for each string).


    1. All rifle firing will be at 25 yards, Competition will be shot from seated position elbows rested on table slings permitted. Any rest may be used to shoot from the bench, so long as any such rest prevents the barreled action from being affixed to the bench in an immovable manner. A rear bag is permitted. No part of the rifle or Magazine may touch the firing lane table.
    2. .22 caliber Rimfire Rifle for Rifle Class (Semi-Auto or bolt action capable of firing 5 shots in Ten Seconds – Any NRA Allowed Sight)
    3. Weekly Match–
        1. 10 Shots Slow Fire (one ten shot string, 7 minutes for the string)
        2. 10 Shots Timed Fire (fired in two 5 shot strings, 20 seconds for each string)
        3. 10 Shots Slow Fire (one ten shot string, 7 minutes for the string)
        4. 10 Shots Timed Fire (fired in two 5 shot strings, 10 seconds for each string)

7.       Alibis/Issues: One re-fire during the Slow Fire Stage, and one re-fire during the sustained fire stage is possible – No competitor will be allowed more than one refire because of the defective cartridge, disabled rifle or malfunction.

8.        Tournament Divisions

    1. Open: Rifle & Handgun:   Scopes, Optical sights, Light gathering scopes, Muzzle brakes and Barrel weights permitted. No active projection on Target.
    1. Limited: Rifle & Handgun: Iron Sights, Adjustable & Fiberoptic Permitted. No Optical or Electronic Sights, No Compensators No barrel weights, No enclosed handgrips 


    1. c. Classes within Limited Divisions:      Top Lady. Top Junior. Top Senior (65+)            (Must have 3 participants in the class for recognition)

8.        NRA Classifications

    1. Individual – based on the first 80 shots for unclassified shooters, Last years competitors will start with their last standing classification
    2. Scores
      1. Master – 95% and above                                         
      2. Expert – 90% to 94.99%                                          
      3. Sharp Shooter – 85% to 89.99                  
      4. Marksman below 85%                              

9.       Targets

    1. The Local CMP website will provide all targets online.                    
    2. All Targets will be marked by the Competitor with Competitor’s name (must be legible) and target number
    3. Competitors may retain all four targets while firing the match.
    4. Targets will be available from the website. Possibly at the range office from RSO (Cost $1 per).
    5. If using printed target from website, please use a thicker gauge paper or tape the paper target to a piece of cardboard.

10.       Scoring

    1. Targets
      1. Targets will be scored by an CMP Match Director
      2. Competitor’s targets will also mark their full name (must be legible) on the targets
      3. Scoring Plugs may not be used except by a Match Director.
      4. When a scoring plug is used, all parties must agree to the score value prior to removing the plug.
      5. Overlays will be used to determine doubles – plugs cannot be used.
      6. Match Director will impound all targets after the firing session for score verification and entering scores into database – to be returned to the shooter after scores are entered, if requested, or if discrepancies arise.
    2. Score Eligibility
      1. Scores will be recorded by Competitor Name for every completed match
      2. A shooting session must be completed (all 40 shots accounted for) for scores to be submitted for entry.

 11.    Shooting League Targets*

    1. League targets may be shot any day throughout the week and at any time that the range is open. You may shoot  targets for the prior week if you were away and you may shoot targets for the week ahead if you will be away. No more than 1 target set may be shot in a session. No more than 3 Target sets may be

shot in a single week.

    1. The scored portion of your shooting requires that you advise the RSO so that they may possible to keep time for you. If not available, then a club member and request that they sign the target.
    2. Competitor Standings will be determined by the Average of the 40 shot aggregate scores for each week

12.    Awards

    1. Prize money will be based on the number of competitors in the league.
    2. League Champion award(s) (High Overall 40 shot aggregate of 3 matches for Division
    3. One for Rifle League Champion & One for Pistol League Champion
    4. Individual awards May be given out. Must have 3 competitors in Class
      1. One for Each Division champion 
      2. One for the Top Lady
      3. One for the Top Youth (16 and under)
      4. One for Top Senior (65 and over)
    5. Possible Additional awards:
      1. Based on the number of competitors – 2nd place may be awarded.
      2. Individual High Scores for High 400(best target set)
      3. Ties will be broken by X count, then average
    6. Door Prizes / Drawings
      1. Must be present to win possible Door Prize
      2. To be eligible for the drawing competitor must complete (actually shoot in) a minimum of 3 matches.
      3. To receive prizes a competitor must be able to legally do so.
      4. 50 – 50 Drawing weekly on Monday evening may be possible.



Red Center Target

All Black Target


The Rimfire Blog


Accurate Shooter.com

